Lithium Manganese Button Battery

Lithium Manganese Button Battery

Lithium Manganese Button Battery

A button battery is a small primary lithium-ion battery that uses manganese dioxide for the positive electrode and zinc for the negative electrode. It’s used in a wide range of products.

Button batteries are a dangerous choking hazard for young children and should be kept away from them. These can cause serious burns and even death when swallowed.

1. Low Temperature Electrolyte Formula

The battery consists of a cell container, current collectors, active carbon electrodes, electrolyte solution, and separator. The electrolyte can be an aqueous solution of H2SO4 or an organic solvent such as propylene carbonate.

A lithium manganese button battery is made as a flat type or as cylindrical cell with a spiral or inside-out structure (bobbin). The bobbin cells are suitable for low-rate applications such as alarms and light-emitting diodes while the spiral batteries are used for high-rate application such as strobe lights and cameras.

Lithium ions migrate in and out of porous electrode material under the control of an external electrical power source during charging and discharging. These ions move into and out of the porous structure with a process called intercalation and deintercalation, respectively.

These ions then dissolve in the porous lithium-manganese dioxide (Li-MnO2) cathode or extract from the porous lithium-manganese oxide anode, depending on whether the cell is charged or discharged. The cell voltage is a function of the chemical properties of the lithium-manganese oxide anode and the polarity of the electrolyte.

A nonaqueous electrolyte is typically used in a sealed cell because lithium reacts Lithium Manganese Button Battery with water to form lithium hydroxide and hydrogen gas. The nonaqueous electrolyte is usually a mixture of organic carbonates such as ethylene carbonate and propylene carbonate which contain complexes of lithium ions. These complexes are stable at room temperature and make the solid electrolyte interphase with the carbon anode.

2. High Temperature Electrolyte Formula

When designing a lithium ion battery, a key issue to consider is the safety of the anode material. The anode material should be able to prevent the formation of a solid electrolyte interface (SEI) layer in the charging process, which can lead to safety problems.

Carbon materials such as graphite and coke can reversibly absorb and release large amounts of lithium ions with very little change in their physical and electrical properties. However, these electrodes are limited by a high electrode expansion during charging and a significant amount of the Li+ ion insertion capacity is lost in this process.

Other cathode materials such as silicon and silicides can also be used in lithium ion batteries, but these materials are more expensive than carbon-based electrodes. The main limitation to silicon and silicides is that they contain a very low electrode potential compared to lithium, resulting in cells with cell voltages between 3.5 and 4 V when used as cathode materials.

Tin and tin alloys are regarded as safe anode materials, but they have limitations such as very high electrode expansion during charging (300 and 250%, respectively). In addition, tin can form a SEI layer in the electrolyte which poses a risk to the safety of lithium ion batteries.

To address these issues, researchers have been developing new electrode materials that can improve the safety of a lithium ion battery. Some of these materials have a porous structure that increases ion mobility within the electrode material, reducing the internal resistance. These materials have been successfully tested in a variety of battery applications.

3. Wide Range of Applications

Lithium Manganese Button Batteries can be found in a wide variety of applications. They are often used as a drop-in replacement for alkaline cells in clocks, cameras, remote oceanographic instrumentation and more.

They are also a popular choice in the medical industry because of their low cost and long life. They can be found in glucose monitors, heart rate monitors and other medical equipment, and they are becoming more common in consumer electronic devices such as cell phones, portable radios and personal digital assistants.

Another advantage of this battery is its ability to offer superior performance in a range of temperatures from low to high. This allows them to be used in a variety of devices that require a high temperature battery.

For example, a lithium manganese oxide battery can be designed to work at temperatures as low as -40 degrees Celsius. This is particularly important in the marine and aviation industries, where it is essential that batteries be compatible with cold weather conditions.

In addition, the battery can be designed to have a higher voltage than alkaline batteries and other types of batteries. This lowers the number of batteries required in a device, allowing for greater space and weight savings.

Other advantages of this battery include its ability to deliver stable power over a long period of time, even when the device is in operation. This enables it to be more reliable than batteries of other types, resulting in longer-lasting equipment that requires less maintenance.

4. Long Lifespan

The long lifespan of a Lithium Manganese Button Battery depends on the application. For critical applications, such as pacemakers or implantable medical devices, the batteries may last 15 or more years in use.

For more general usage, the lifetime is limited by the electrical load. Often, the battery is a part of a system that uses it to power an integrated circuit (IC). The circuitry uses a low duty cycle to keep the IC from using any of the available charge and discharge current, extending the life of the battery.

In such a case, the lifetime can be calculated by simply dividing the available capacity of the battery in milliamp hours times the required current demand in milliamps. This is a good estimate for the lifetime of a lithium manganese button battery in a system that has no other power source and is designed to rely on the battery for the majority of its operation.

For a more practical approach, the lifetime of a lithium manganese battery can be estimated by calculating the total number of charge/discharge cycles that it can endure in combination with a load-attached duty cycle. This will depend on the battery’s chemical compounds and the application.

5. Energy Density

Energy Density is a measure of the amount of energy that can be stored in a certain amount of space. It is a vital factor when selecting a battery type for your product, as it can affect the performance of the device you are using.

Lithium manganese batteries are safe and have a high energy density, which means that they can deliver more power than other lithium-ion batteries. This is why they are often used to power laptops, electric vehicles and other portable devices.

They also offer long run times and a wide range of applications, making them an ideal choice for businesses that need to provide reliable and efficient power to their customers. They are considered one of the most efficient and environmentally friendly battery chemistries available, as well as being safe to use.

The energy density of a lithium manganese button battery is generally higher than that of other types of lithium-ion batteries, meaning they can last longer before needing to be recharged. It is important to note, however, that the exact energy density of a battery depends on the materials used to make it, and how they are processed.

For example, the energy density of a battery with lithium iron phosphate as its cathode is generally lower than that of a battery with a ternary material such as nickel-cobalt-manganese oxide. This is because the ternary materials are much easier to produce than the more expensive graphite that is used in other lithium-ion batteries.

6. Safety

Safety is a major Lithium Manganese Button Battery concern in all battery powered products. The batteries used to power everything from electric cars to mobile phones and laptops need to be safe.

Lithium manganese button batteries are designed with a low temperature electrolyte formula. This helps them meet the requirements of cold chain, plateau and other terminal products that are required to operate at very low temperatures (up to -40°C) and maintain a stable operating voltage.

The safety of lithium batteries is improved by limiting the amount of active material within each cell and by including various safety mechanisms. These include overcurrent protection and vents that protect the cells from thermal runaway if discharged too rapidly or when exposed to high temperature.

However, these safety features are not always effective. For example, when a lithium battery is charged at a sub-freezing temperature the metallic lithium plating on its anode can cause damage to the cell, which reduces its performance and reliability.

This can result in the battery not performing properly or even exploding. This type of failure is not uncommon but can be very dangerous.

Button batteries are a serious choking hazard for children, so parents should take care to monitor floors and tables for loose batteries and make sure they do not allow children to swallow them. If they do swallow them, seek medical attention immediately. Phone the Poisons Information Centre on 13 11 26 for assistance.